Training Science - Basics Part I

The first part of our training science series turns the spotlight on a few key fundamentals of how our bodies adapt to training. Understanding these fundamentals will help you plan your training to conquer performance.


Means your training should target and stimulate the physiological systems to meet your goals. For example, if you want to increase muscle mass, does your training consist of exercises stimulating mechanical tension of the muscle?


Is your training progressing over time? If you perform the same session at the same intensity repeatedly - your body will adapt, your progress will slow and eventually stop.


Stress Recovery Adaptation
If you continually perform high stress training sessions, with incomplete recovery, your progress will slow and eventually stop.

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“The manipulation of training variables to prevent staleness and injury and to magnify the long-term adaptive response to training.” There is a fine balance between variation and consistency. Too much variation and you struggle to apply a consistent and progressive training stimulus. Too little variation and you become stale, bored and your progress will slow down.


This is why our plans are designed to be:

  • SCIENTIFICALLY DRIVEN - No more mindless exercises, no more hours in the gym, no more ridiculous diets. Just the essential exercises and sessions to meet your goals and ConquerPerformance.

  • SUSTAINABLE - No more quick fixes! We connect with your “why” and create sustainable training habits.

  • AUTONOMY - we create plans to give you freedom to plan and adjust your training week.

  • RESULTS PROVEN - specific performance plans to help you.

Click here to find a plan to help you ConquerPerformance!


Training Science - Basics Part II