Training Science - Increase your training density

Most of the gym or conditioning sessions you see will have a prescribed number of sets, reps, rest and intensity. A different way to approach your training is to think of the total overall workload performed per session. This is where the Escalting Density Method (EDT) comes into it's own.

What is it?

Pick a pair of antagonist exercises:

  • E.g. Push / Pull - Bench Press and Chin Ups
  • E.g. Lower / Upper Body - Squat and Military Press.
  • Pick a load you can perform for 5 - 8 repetitions.
  • Set a timer for 12 - 15 minutes and perform as many sets of each exercise in alternating manner as possible in this time.
  • Your rest periods are self regulated.

As you become more fatigued during the time period you can adjust the number of repetitions you perform each set. Reducing from 5 - 8 and you may finish my performing 1 or 2 repetitions per set.

Record the total number of repetitions performed in the time period and total load volume (repetitions x load lifted).

Why use this method?

This is a straightforward, time efficient method to increase the amount of stress or muscular stimuluation in a training session or block of training. It is easy to create overload which is a key training principle , by performing one more repetition or one more minute, and you can monitor your progress from session to session. It is also a session you can return to weeks or months later to track your long term progress.

How to incorporate it?

Next we will outline three variations of EDT.

Classic EDT 15 minutes
Pick one push / pull pair from the list below:

  • BB Bench Press / Chin Up Neutral Grip
  • BB Military Press / BB Bent Over Row
  • DB Incline Bench Press / DB Incline Bench Row

Next pick a load you can for 10 repetitions (10RM).

Set your timer for 15 minutes.

Perform 5 reptetions per set of the push / pull exercises, working alternately.

Rest for as little or as long as you need.

As you become more fatigued through the 15 minutes period then adjust the number of repetitions you perform per set from 5 to 4, 3 etc and you may end up performing just 1 repetition per set. Do not adjust the load downwards.

Record the total number of repetitions performed and the total volume, repetitions x load.


EDT Strength - 3 reps @ 6 RM
Pick one compound exercise from your current programme, for example Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Chin Up.

Next pick the maxmum load you can for 6 repetitions (6RM) or 80-85% if you know your 1RM.

Set your timer for 12 - 15 minutes.

Perform sets of 3 reptetions using your 6RM.

Rest for as little or as long as you need.

As you become more fatigued then adjust the rest period required to complete 3 repetitions. Do not adjust the load or repetitions downwards.

Record the total number of repetitions performed and the total volume, repetitions x load.

EDT Hypertrophy - 10 reps @ 15 RM
Pick one compound exercise from your current programme, for example Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Chin Up.

Next pick the maxmum load you can for 15 repetitions (15RM) or 60% if you know your 1RM.

Set your timer for 12 - 15 minutes.

Perform sets of 10 reptetions using your 15RM.

Rest for as little or as long as you need.

As you become more fatigued then adjust the rest period required to complete 10 repetitions. Do not adjust the load or repetitions downwards.

Record the total number of repetitions performed and the total volume, repetitions x load.

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