Building Habits - Barriers to Performance

From time to time, we all experience barriers or obstacles standing in the way of our performance goals. Over 1,800 years ago Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote:

“Our actions may be impeded but there can be no impeding our intentions or dispositions. Because we can accommodate and adapt. The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” – Marcus Aurelius

A few examples of obstacles experienced by our athletes and clients this year:

  • Postponement of 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
  • Long term injuries
  • Gyms closed during lockdown
  • A lack of space to exercise at home

“What stands in the way, becomes the way.”

What you can to do is continue your intention to ConquerPerformance, it might take a little longer but we can continue our journey.

  • Olympic postponement = a chance to be a better athlete in a years’ time.
  • Long term injury = an opportunity to work on other performance areas
  • Gyms closed during lockdown = now you can master bodyweight training at home
  • A lack of space to exercise at home = change the focus of your training and enjoy the outdoors

When we do encounter these obstacles, it is a good time to review your training and establish some clear goals. You can read our about S.M.A.R.T.S goal setting here.  



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Health and Wellbeing - Saunas


Building Habits - Easy to do, easy not to do…