7 Habits of Highly Successful Performance Coaches

The following is a list of common traits and actions you should look for in your performance coach.


Know their “why”
• It will be individual to each coach or athlete, but they understand what drives them.


• Know how to connect with, motivate, challenge, and “stretch” their athletes.
• They understand being liked and respected are not mutually exclusive.


They understand Leadership = Influence
• They are a positive influence on their athletes.
• They understand the first person you lead is yourself.
• They show up prepared and with the right attitude.


They have a clear performance philosophy, that isn’t one size fits all
• They have a clear idea of what drives performance and focus on these areas.
• The majority of their work revolves around the basics being done savagely well.
• Their sessions are challenging and engaging but not gimmicky.
• They are consistent and insistent in what they ask and expect of athletes.


Create an environment where athletes can compete

• “Iron sharpens iron”. They enjoy competing on a daily basis.


Growth mindset

• “It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish”.
• Not afraid to say they don’t know.
• Constantly review and question their ideas.


They balance yin and yang of high performance
• Art vs. Science
• Process vs. outcome
• Time vs. energy
• Short vs. long term goals
• Team vs. Individual needs
• Autocratic vs. Democratic style
• Push vs. Pull people along
• Physical vs. Technical/Tactical

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8 Habits of Highly Successful Athletes