8 Habits of Highly Successful Athletes

The following is a list of common traits and actions we have seen successful athletes live by:


Know their “why”.
• It will be individual to each athlete, but they understand what drives them. To make history, to provide for their family, to make loved ones proud or an internal drive to be considered the best in the world.


Growth mindset.
• “It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish” , they have a desire to continually improve.


Identify what drives performance.
• Athletes identify the critical few factors that will deliver results. Are you strong enough, fit enough, is your block start the best, are you brilliant at the basics of your sport?


People they can depend on for advice.
• They have a mentor, coach, friend, or family member that can provide honest feedback and be a trusted sounding board.


Focus on process vs. outcome.

• The outcome usually takes care of itself if you focus on your performance processes day in and day out.


Don’t get bored of the basics.

• Successful athletes training is typically consistent, sustainable, and challenging enough to drive improvement.


• “Iron sharpens iron”. They enjoy competing on a daily basis.


Understand their will be setbacks.
• There will be injuries, better opponents or global pandemics that make slow thier progress.

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7 Habits of Highly Successful Performance Coaches


Big Rocks…