Big Rocks…

The “Big Rocks” analogy was popularised by Stephen Covey in his book “Seven Habits of Highly Successful People”. We all have a finite amount of energy and time, think of an empty jar, to dedicate towards conquering performance. How you choose to fill your jar each day and week is critical to your long-term success. If the first things you fill your jar with are pebbles and sand, fad diets or the latest and greatest training gimmick, you won’t have room for the big rocks of performance. At the same time if you nail the big rocks first, then you have plenty of room for the “one percenters”.


Our Big Rocks:
Nutrition and Hydration
• Is your nutritional intake supporting your goals?
• Is it balanced and sustainable?


• Are you getting enough quality sleep for your needs?


Wellness and Recovery
• Are you mindful of your own long-term health and how you are coping with life, work, and training?
• What gives you fulfilment and what causes you excessive stress? • Are you recovering between sessions or burying yourself a little deeper each day?


• Does your plan reflect your goals?
• Do you have well-planned weeks with consistent and sustainable sessions to ensure you conquer physical performance?

Click here if to check out some of our training programmes. Or if you want to get in touch to see if we can work together to meet your goals then click here.


8 Habits of Highly Successful Athletes


Training Science - Monitoring and Testing Part III