Training Science - Monitoring and Testing Part III

If you haven’t read Part I and Part II about monitoring your training, you should do so before continuing with this blog.

We have covered the “why” and “what” in Part I, and the “how” in Part II. Now we will outline some standards of performance you can test yourself again professional and Olympic standards.

As with an exercise or training programme you should seek medical advice prior to beginning any new exercise or training protocol.

There will always be athletes performing to a high level on either extreme end of the spectrum of strength, power, speed and conditioning scores. The following standards are minimum targets we would like to see from professional or elite athletes. Achieving these standards does not guarantee you success but in my experience they are signs that an athlete is robust and physically able to perform to a high level.


BB Back Squat 1.75 x Bodyweight

BB Deadlift 2.4 x BW

BB Bench Press 1.5 x BW

Weighted Chin Up Underhand + 25% BW



Standing Broad Jump = 2.5m

Counter Movement Jump with hands on hips = 50cm

Watt Bike 3 second Peak Power = 17 Watts per kg



Single Leg Calf Raise = 22 reps at 30 rpm tempo

Single Leg Bridge = 20 reps at 30 rpm tempo

Front Plank = 120 seconds

Side Plank = 60 seconds



Bronco Test
+110kg = 5m10sec

100 - 110kg = ≤ 5min

92 – 100kg = ≤ 4min50sec

≤92kg = ≤ 4min40sec

500m = 1m24sec

1km = 3m05 sec

2 km = 6m50 sec

Click here if to check out some of our training programmes. Or if you want to get in touch to see if we can work together to meet your goals then click here.


Big Rocks…


Training Science - Monitoring and Testing Part II