Training Science - Monitoring and Testing Part II

If you haven’t read Part I if on monitoring your training, you should do so before continuing with this blog. We have covered the “why” and what in Part I, now we move on to “how” you can monitor your training.


Try to complete any tests on the same training day each week or at a specific point in your training block. We must try to separate the signal from the noise. In other words, the impact of other sessions on your performance. If you tested your broad jump at the start of a session in week one and at the end of a session in week two we have introduced noise from the acute fatigue of the session.


Putting it in to practice. Objective monitoring is typically quantified in metres, seconds, or kilograms:


Example – Standing broad jump.

What is it good for monitoring? Lower body power.

Equipment required: Tape measure.

Frequency: Weekly with a gym session.



Example 1 – Run 5km.

What is it good for monitoring? Aerobic Capacity.

Equipment: Establish you goal kilometre splits and use the same track/ route.

Frequency: 4 to 6 weeks between tests. You need to allow time to see the transfer of your various training sessions.


Example 2 – Bronco 1.2km Shuttle.

What is it good formonitoring? Aerobic Capacity. A common test used in field-based sports. Click here to see a video demonstration.

Equipment: 60 metres pitch or grass with markers at 0, 20, 40, 60m.

Frequency: 4 to 6 weeks between tests. You need to allow time to see the transfer of your various training sessions.


Example – Squat for 1, 3 or 5 rep max load.

What is it good for monitoring? Lower body strength.

Equipment: Besides the barbell and rack, you should always use spotters for any max attempts.

Frequency: 4 to 6 weeks between tests. You need to allow time to see the transfer of your various training sessions.


Example – Single leg calf raise.

What is it good for monitoring? Tissue capacity which has been shown to be a performance indicator in running based sports. Click here to see a video demonstration.

Equipment: A step or elevated platform.

Frequency: 4 weeks between tests. You need to allow time to see the transfer of your various training sessions.

Click here if to check out some of our training programmes. Or if you want to get in touch to see if we can work together to meet your goals then click here.


Training Science - Monitoring and Testing Part III


Training Science - Monitoring and Testing Part I