Training Science - Monitoring and Testing Part I

“If you aren’t assessing, you are guessing”. Monitoring the results of your training is a key factor in sustained improvement. Is your plan still working and helping you ConquerPerformance? Now that we have discuss the why, lets discuss the what.

We can monitor the results using both objective and subjective measures specific to your sport or wellbeing goals. Objective monitoring is typically quantified as metres, seconds, kilograms or repetitions:

Metres – Examples include throwing or jumping events, or sports like golf. The outcome is based on distance achieved. Are you jump or driving the ball farther?

Seconds – Examples include sprint or endurance events like swimming, marathon running and cycling. Field based sports also you time-based tests to assess underlying physiological capacity.

Kilograms – load lifted in sports specific or gym exercises. It may also be assessed through a change in body mass as per your goals.

Repetitions – Examples include the maximum repetitions you can perform on a specific exercise or movement pattern. CrossFit workouts often include maximum rep challenges.



Subjective monitoring is based on your perception or feeling. Examples include:

Energy or wellbeing levels – do you have more energy or a positive increase in mood?

Movement quality – do you feel better or have less general soreness?

Mirror test – Is the mirror showing the fruits of your labour?

In our next blog we will cover the how and specific tests you can use to monitoring your training help you ConquerPerformance!


Click here if to check out some of our training programmes. Or if you want to get in touch to see if we can work together to meet your goals then click here.


Training Science - Monitoring and Testing Part II


Training Science - Planning your week