Training Science - Planning your week

When we plan a week or block of training our goal is to maximise our potential improvements. Stephen Covey, the author of “The 7 habits of highly effective people”, said it best that we must keep the main thing the main thing. If your goal is to increase strength, then you must prioritise and “protect” sessions across the training week.

An example of a well-structured week prioritising strength gains is outline below:

Strength Week Good Example.png

In this example the main thing is kept as the main thing. Most sessions are targeted towards strength development. The lower body and upper body sessions are spaced across the week to allow maximum recovery and adaptation between sessions.

An example of a poorly structured week prioritising strength gains is outline below:

Strength Week Poor Example.png

In this example the main thing is far from the main thing. The sessions are of a mixed focus. The lower body strength development session is preceded by an endurance running session. Any residual fatigue from the running session may impact your lower body strength gains. In this training week there is only two sessions targeted towards strength development and three sessions targeted towards running or condition.


Now it is time to ask yourself a couple of questions:
1. What are my current goals?
2. Is my training week structured to meet those goals?


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Training Science - Monitoring and Testing Part I


Recovery - Mobility Session