Recovery Modalities

You should always seek medical advice prior to beginning any new exercise, or recovery protocol such as saunas or cold water immersion.

Today we turn the spotlight on recovery. Our ability make consistent and long last performance improvements are highly correlated to our ability to recover between imposed training sessions or training stresses. As outlined in a previous article one of the of training science fundamentals is the Stress Recovery Adaptation cycle.

SRA Curves.png

If you continually perform high stress training sessions, with incomplete recovery, your progress will slow and eventually stop. These principles apply to professionals and beginners alike, the only thing that might differ is the scale and time investment required by athletes striving to be world class.

Recovery modalities should target both physical and psychological recovery. We can further subdivide these groups into active and passive modalities. For example, a massage is a passive modality, whereas a mobility session or going for a walk is an active modality.

The graphic below is an example of how our professional athletes structure their recovery. The goal is to accumulate 100 or more points of recovery prior to your next training day.


If you want to see example recovery sessions follow the links below:
Mobility Sessions


Click here to find a plan to help you ConquerPerformance!


Recovery - Mobility Session


Health and Wellbeing - Saunas